Active for: over 20 years
Members: 20
Key areas of activity:
The Campaspe Valley Landcare Group is within the area between the lower reaches of the Coliban and Campaspe Rivers leading to Lake Eppalock. The area includes the town of Redesdale and the Barfold district. It geographic centre is situated approximately 20 km North of Kyneton. It includes members in the Shires of Mount Alexander, Macedon-Ranges, Mitchell and the City of Greater Bendigo.
The groups main focus is eradicating weeds, revegetation and identifying and surveying indigenous plant species. They hold regular meetings to plan projects, activities and working bees for planting and weed control. Newcomers can gain advice on issues of biodiversity on their properties. CVL can help them access appropriate information such as whole farm planning courses and the latest weed eradication methods. The group has produced an excellent guide to Chilean and Texas needle grass eradication, available online here needle-grass-web-LR (1) (to access a hard copy contact the President or secretary).

Jan Elder and barbara James from Campaspe Valley Landcare have been hard at working producing a booklet which aims to educate landowners on how to identify and eradicate texas needle grass.©Scheltema