Red Rumped Parrot survey

A Citizen Science Project

Rob Ashworth is a Master of Environment student at the University of Melbourne in the school of Ecosystem and Forest Science.

Rob is currently studying Red-rump Parrots in urban areas and has created a citizen science project to help collect data.

He is using this outreach program to better understand what makes a good home for a Red-rump Parrot – do they only use tree hollows in native trees or will any tree do the job?

There is a wealth of knowledge and experiences held within the general community, if you have sighted one of these beautiful birds (there is no time frame, and sightings can be historic), please visit Rob’s site to report it.

The aim of the project is to inform current and future conservation work to better support Red-rumps, and other small granivorous parrots, in urban spaces. If you would like to follow the progress of this research get in touch with Rob on Twitter @robdashworth or email 

Red-rump Parrots are small granivorous birds that can be found throughout parks and urban greenspaces of Melbourne and many other urban areas throughout South Eastern Australia. These beautiful birds are often assumed to do poorly in urban areas due to over competition from more aggressive species, such as Lorikeets and Myna’s, and a lack of native hollow bearing trees.

Pollinator survey methodology

Subgenus Austronomia member of genus Lipotriches on Dianella amoena (Matted Flax Lily – note the pollen laden legs on this little bee!

Pollinators are all around us. Our busy little co-workers are out in our environment every day and night greedily feeding on nectar and pollen, and accidentally carrying the matter needed by plants for reproduction from one plant to another.

The Upper Campaspe Landcare Network, working with Western Sydney University, has spent the last year and a half trying to discover which pollinators are busy at work in the Upper Campaspe Catchment. Ultimately, this knowledge will allow us to discover which plants pollinators favor and will help us produce planting lists for private and public areas.

In order to determine which species are busy pollinating our ecosystems and crops, we have used a variety of survey methodology. These methods are beautifully captured by Dr Mark Hall in the videos that can be found at the following links:

Pollinator Counts

Sweep Netting

Vane Traps

Stay tuned for upcoming workshops that will provide you with an opportunity to practice these skills under the experienced eyes of our experts!

The Pollinator Project

Recognizing the role that indigenous pollinators play in maintaining a functional ecosystem, and the threats that they are facing, the UCLN developed the Pollinator Corridor Project – a cooperative, inclusive ongoing program designed to encourage the enhancement, establishment, and preservation of native pollinator habitat through the creation of Pollinator Corridors on private and public land.

Pollinator corridors are like biodiversity corridors designed for larger species, but pollinator corridors do not necessarily restore or protect habitat; instead, they can be designed and built in the middle of landscapes dominated by humans, such as agricultural land and urban streets.

The Upper Campaspe Pollinator Corridor Project is open to everyone. Your contribution can be as large as a field or roadside or as small as a flowering potted plant or butterfly puddler. Provided you can offer a sheltered spot, a safe waterer and year-round flowers, there will always be something in your garden, regardless of its size, to tempt pollinators to visit!

Free webinars, workshops and field days will run throughout the year across the Upper Campaspe Catchment, and you are invited to participate in them all!

Please contact us to learn more about indigenous pollinators and how you can create healthy pollinator habitat and become involved in the Pollinator Project.

Adapting to the impacts of Climate Change

An afternoon with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

Campaspe Valley Landcare Group Inc. is hosting a presentation by Dona Cayetana – DELWP Community and Partnerships Officer and Geoffrey CaineDELWP Community and Partnership Program Manager – on Saturday 26 February at 3pm in Redesdale.

Dona and Geoffrey will discuss the new State Government initiative designed to empower communities to prepare and adapt to the impacts of climate change set around six Regional Climate Change Adaptation Strategies, more specifically Dona and Geoffrey will discuss their purview, the Loddon Mallee Climate Ready Plan.

The main themes for the Loddon Mallee Climate Ready Plan are:

  • Climate Ready People
  • Climate Ready Places
  • Climate Ready Sectors.

The event will be held at the Redesdale Hall at the recreation reserve in Redesdale at the corner of Lyell Road and Kyneton-Heathcote Road.                     

Bookings are essential as COVID safe seating is limited to 50. Please call Rob on 5425 3258 after 5.30 pm, or email UCLN Landcare Facilitator, Rebekah at ​ or phone ​0432 491 789 to reserve a seat!

As always, please stay home if you feel unwell.

While the Loddon Mallee Climate Ready Plan has been more than two years in the making, this State Government initiative was announced in the January edition of Southern Farmer by Minister for Energy, Environment, and Climate Change, Lily D’Ambrosio who stated “This is another example of how we’re delivering real action on climate change by supporting communities to deliver their local projects and build thriving and sustainable futures.”