Seasonal Workshop series – Upper Campaspe Landcare Network & Thriving Rural

Workshop One – Observation
Autumn: 30 April 2023
The modern outlook on life, including land management, insists that a lot of hard work and ‘doing’ is required to achieve our ambitions. But there is a lot that can be missed in our rush to the finish line.
In this workshop, we learn about the power of observation and some skills and tools that will help us notice the rhythms and systems of the land of which we have stewardship.
By understanding these rhythms, we can start to see how we can work with the land to create a place that fosters farm productivity, ecosystem health and personal wellbeing.
Workshop Two – Think
Winter: 25 June 2023
Observation gives us much to contemplate.
Taking the time to think through what we have learned about our properties through the practice of observation–details of the wind, the water, the animals, the plants, the solar access, the soil, the wildlife, the aspect, amongst many other things-ideas, innovations and solutions often become apparent.
This workshop will talk about systems thinking and how you can use it as a tool to organise your observations, learnings and thoughts to inform decision making and continuous improvement for your property, land management, farming business (and/or life in general).
Workshop Three – Design
Spring: 24 September 2023
Through the practice of observation and the development of skills in systems thinking to order and analyse our observations, we are now well equipped for the Design phase of our land management journey.
Over a 30year agricultural career, our Workshop Guide, Annemaree, has seen a lot of farms and rural properties. She has observed some commonalities between the best of them, but none are the same. They are all reflections of the landscape they are a part of and the people that work them.
There are some fabulous ideas and guidance to take inspiration from, but the thing is – what works for everyone else may not work for you, your property, your animals or your vision. Freeing ourselves from the expectations of others and what you ‘should’ do can be very liberating and can lead to some amazing innovations which work for you, making your life and property better.
Good design that is well implemented can make significant difference to land management, biodiversity and environmental outcomes, as well as farm productivity, profitability, and animal and human welfare.
Workshop Four – Implement
Summer: 17 December 2023
Now we have a plan!
But how do we go from plan to reality? There are many challenges in the doing, and as the saying goes – forewarned is forearmed.
This final workshop talks about the doing – stakeholder and neighbour engagement, regulatory frameworks and barriers, working with Council, DIY vs managing trades, funding opportunities, collaboration, budgets, and – especially important for Annemaree, and I suspect many other people – learning patience and enjoying the process.
These workshops will be delivered across the Upper Campaspe Catchment. Please contact the UCLN Landcare Facilitator, Rebekah at or on 0432 491 789 to reserve your place. Workshop locations will be provided on booking. Given the personalised nature of these workshops, places are limited to 15 properties for this round, so please, get in quick!
Workshop Guide: Annemaree Docking – Thriving Rural

Annemaree is a passionate advocate for looking at different ways of managing land use including designing and facilitating the implementation of contemporary regenerative models of farm planning, agribusiness, sustainability, and economic development.
Annemaree’s career history shows the depth and breadth of experience she has had across industries with strong, well-established links in the business, farming, food and tourism sectors. In addition to this, she has over 20 years’ experience in the livestock, horse (racing and equestrian), horticultural and viticultural industries and 10 years State and Local Government experience in Economic Development, Agriculture and Sustainability initiatives.
Annemaree is a mixed enterprise farmer, marketing produce both online and at Farmers Markets, and is actively involved in her community of local producers and consumers.
Annemaree is experienced in the successful delivery of land management and farming solutions using an innovative, holistic, systems thinking approach to problem solving and program development. As a leader and educator, she designs and delivers best practice programs to raise awareness, offer insights and facilitate behaviour change through the workplace and in the community.
On top of all this, Annemaree is currently a PhD candidate (commenced 2019) studying Regenerative Agriculture Systems and Sustainable Regional Development with Deakin University’s Centre for Regional and Rural Futures.