In this edition:
- UCLN website
- UCLN Strategic Plan
- Trentham and District Landcare
- UCLN Xmas Drinks
- Asbourne Landcare
- Kyneton Show
- Campaspe River Working Group
- Malmsbury and Dsitrict Landcare
- Woodend Landcare and The Thursday Crew
- Campaspe Valley Landcare Group
- Carlshue Landcare Group
- Baynton Sidonia Landcare Group
Spring has been and gone and it is an extremely busy time of the year for many of us.Weed removal ,planting and yet more weed removal amongst a myriad of other jobs.
Those of us along the northern part of the Campaspe are probably already preparing for the fire season .For us further south we still have a little time.
A big congratulations for those who were successful in your grant applications.I look forward to helping you in implementing them.
As the year draws to a close there a still a few groups I am yet to visit – I haven’t forgotten you! As I meet yet more of you I continue to be inspired by your dedication and achievements.I am really beginning to get a sense of just what this network is achieving.The landscape is being changed for the benefit of future generations and I applaud your hard work!
UCLN Website
The Website is slowly progressing. Have a look! I would love to have feedback.
At the moment I am just adding contact details and a little information re each group which I have obtained from the Strategic Plan.
Could each group please check these and let me know if any changes need to be made?
Media articles about the Landcare groups various activities in our region are available to read under the Media heading.
Strategic Plan
After a lot of hard work the Draft UCLN Strategic Plan is now out for comment. You should have received a electronic version from your group’s secretary and each group now has a Black and White hard copy.
You can download it from our website –
Mel Husada, who alongside Sophie Bickford has been working very hard on it would love your feedback.Please make a note of page numbers and paragraphs and send to me and I will forward to Mel for the final version.
This is an important document which reflects the goals and aspirations of the Network and your contributions will be greatly valued.
Trentham & District Landcare
Report by Anne Keaney
Telstra Volunteers help out on Domino Trail
Landcare members had 11 enthusiastic volunteers from Telstra to assist with the planting of the embankment above the rail track near Falls Road on Friday 21st November. The site was prepared the day before by Jan and Andy Robertson, Ann and Michael Keaney and Barry Elliott. With the rain that followed this preparation, our site was ready for the volunteers.
After a short introduction/safety talk by Andy and Ann and planting instructions by Jan, our team of workers was ready for work. Grasses and understory plants were chosen for the site. Everyone worked systematically and the job of planting 200 small plants was completed perfectly in record time. Al Clausen brought down his award winning watering unit, which made the job of watering in the plants very quick and saved on manpower. The weather was perfect and we all enjoyed our lunch at Quarry Reserve before returning for another hour of planting before we said goodbye and thank-you.
With committee and membership support, I think it would be great to have a repeat performance. Our Telstra volunteers enjoyed their day at Trentham and all said they’d love to come back for another session.
UCLN Xmas Dinner and Drinks
WHERE: The Albion Hotel Kyneton
WHEN : Thursday 11th December 6 pm for meal,7.30 pm for drinks.
WHY : To celebrate another year of Landcare achievements with a meal and drink!
Ashbourne Landcare
Co-operative Community Planting Day on the Upper Campaspe River 9th November 2014
Report by Libby Peck

Upstream from the Ashbourne Reserve, a group of dedicated volunteers from the Ashbourne Landcare Group joined Angela Gladman and Emma Wolters from the NCCMA, Sandy Scheltema -UCLN facilitator, and experienced renegotiation landscape contractor Pat Mansbridge from Bush Co Management to start the planting segment for the Upper Campaspe River Protection and Enhancement Project.
16 people and several children planted and placed guards around 380 indigenous trees, shrubs and grasses suited to the river flat, edges and rocky embankments of the Upper Campaspe. Many thanks to Brendan Smith from Tylden Landcare Group who expertly propagated the plants and who, with Pat, put in the lion’s effort in planting.

The newly fenced river zone and gorse and blackberry removal had both been carried out by Pat Mansbridge and his team. This opened up a wide riparian zone, exposing the upstream qualities of pools, clear flowing water sometimes supporting aquatic plants such as Triglochin sp and streamside Leptospermum lanigerum. Planting swathes had been sprayed to allow the cell grown plants to take root, free from competing weeds.
Species planted included Eucalyptus ovata, Acacia dealbata, Acacia melanoxylon, Leptospermum lanigerum, Callistemon sieberi, Lomandra longifolia, Poa species, and the endangered endemic species Discaria pubescens, Hairy Anchor Plant. Adjoining river owners, Gordon and Kerry Whyte were keen to plant this species on their newly fenced off rocky slope leading to the river from their property.
Alan Denehey (ALG president) barbequed sausages, which we enjoyed standing under the shade of the only tree (a hawthorn!) whilst listening intently to Pat Mansbridge talk to us about woody weed control. He spoke about best practice techniques, the most useful tools to use such as which blades for brush cutters, back pack sprays, the pros and cons of chemical spray products, timing, protection and more. Pat made a point of saying that a lot of what we do, which includes plantings, are far reaching and for the future generations to see and enjoy. He added that we were the Custodians of this Land.
Ashbourne Landcare Group will plan another planting day in the Spring of 2015 in conjunction with the NCCMA. They are proud to see that this length of the Campaspe River will regain natural bio-diversity.
Landcare at the Kyneton Show Saturday 15th November
Report by Brendan Smith
Many showgoers came along and visited the Upper Campaspe Landcare Network display at the Kyneton show. Showgoers came to look at what Landcare is doing in the Upper Campaspe Network area along with partner organisations including landholders, the Macedon Ranges Shire Council and the North Central Catchment Management Authority.
There were questions about weeds, or what local plants may be suitable for areas in back paddocks or back yards. At the stand showgoers could find out about the current Kyneton Woodlands project happening in the north of our area. This project aims to protect and enhance existing woodland remnants and through revegetation increase their extent and improve connectivity between them and core habitat in the project area.
Another local project the North Central CMA are leading is “Caring for the Campaspe” to deliver river health improvements to the Campaspe River from its headwaters near Ashbourne to the Murray River at Echuca. Angela Gladman from the North Central CMA was on hand to answer questions about the project.
“The Campaspe River contains several threatened vegetation communities and provides habitat for many terrestrial species, such as the threatened Swift Parrot and Squirrel Gilder. The overall goal of this four year project funded by the Victorian Government through the Securing Priority Waterways program is to improve the condition of riparian vegetation leading to improvements in the aquatic and riparian ecosystem health of the Campaspe River” Angela said. “A recent planting day along the Campaspe at Ashbourne saw another 350 local plants go in to help meet our targets”
People were also able to pick up some local plants from the Landcare Network,including trees for the back paddock along with shrubs and grasses for the back yard. These plants were grown from locally collected seed and are most suited to our region- they can tolerate our climate range, geological forms and landscape situations.
Junior landcarers participated in the Kyneton Show treasure hunt showbag activity. Upon arrival at the show they could purchase an empty showbag and bring it to the Upper Campaspe Landcare network stand for a special showbag item (a local shrub)!
William Terry represented the Macedon Ranges Shire Council and chatted about natural values management in the shire as well as invasive species management within the Shire. William said the Show was a great opportunity to meet like minded people in the Macedon Ranges.
Thanks go to many people who helped staff the landcare stand on the day: Sandy Scheltema, Peter Sporle, Rex Breen, Peter Harding, Don Smith, Angela Gladman, William Terry, Gill Gauder, Barry Elliot, Alan Denehey and Allison Mudford. Thanks everyone for you efforts; without many hands these events don’t happen. Thanks also to the North Central CMA for use of their marquee. Once again, feedback from the Show committee was positive and they enjoy having community groups like Landcare at the Kyneton Show.
Ari Scheltema and Djed Radi Mansbridge prepare to hand out the Threatened Hairy Anchor Plants at the recent planting day at Ashbourne.
Campaspe River Working Group September/October 2014
Congratulations to Campaspe River Working group for their succesful grant application “A River Runs Through It” for $11,080.
As usual this group has been hard at work! What an inspiration this group is -they manage to achieve a large amount of work for a small amount of people.
Peter Harding and Don Smith walk along the Campaspe River Walk.The Campaspe River Working Group has worked tirelessly to clear the river of weeds and plant with native vegetation.
They have been checking various sites that have been treated for gorse and blackberry infestation and readied for planting.
There was a Planting Day Sunday 21st September as part of the Communities for Nature community grants program. Hairy Anchor Plant tube stock were transplanted into larger pots for growing on to bigger plants for the planting day. These grew well and looked good for the planting day. Over twenty people participated with morning tea provided by Jessie Smith. There was an official unveiling of the Anchor Plant sign by Jessie.In addition to the planting day another 240 plants have been planted to infill some barer areas.
More works have been done addressing weeds at the Kyneton Botanical Gardens and the Kyneton Racecourse site.
Malmsbury Landcare
Malmsbury District Landcarers were delighted to receive news of funds which will enable them to continue to achieve their vision of a walking path that takes in the beauty of the Malmsbury Viaduct.
John and Robert were delighted to receive news recently that Malmsbury District Landcare was successful in their application for a $20,000 Victorian Landcare grant. The grant will enable them to continue doing extensive weed removal, native revegetation and walking path construction with interpretive signage.
“Malmsbury District Landcare is reclaiming the channel reserve for the community. Before this area was inaccessible to the public, now they’ll get an opportunity to get to the historic sites which were previously choked with weeds.” said John Walter.
“When the walk is completed, apart from providing a wonderful view of the viaduct, it will hopefully showcase the indigenous plants of the volcanic soils which you wont find anywhere else” said John Walters.
The viaduct is the largest stone bridge of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere.
John Walters last year received the Hepburn Shires Citizen of the Year award for his community work. He said ” I originally joined Landcare for the use of the Spray trailer and to get to know local people. We all want to be part of a strong community, it doesn’t happen automatically. You have to work for that to happen. I’m passionate about local flora. It’s good to share my knowledge of local flora with the community.”
Annual General Meeting
Our Annual General Meeting on the 20th October was a success. Despite windy conditions we were well sheltered whilst walking the Domino Trail through the Trentham Forests. About a dozen people enjoyed the trail and Trentham Landcare talked of their plans to take over the lease and gain ownership of the trail. It is especially exciting for me to see my local Landcare group doing this as I was involved in gaining the funds and establishing the trail many years ago.
Also interesting were the discussions around other Landcare groups doing similar projects along other sections of the disused railway line. Maybe when my kids grow up they will be able to cycle from Daylesford to Carslrhue.From little things big things can grow!
29 people enjoyed a lovely lunch at the Redbeard Cafe in the Spring sunshine, then 13 moved on to our AGM at the Neighborhood house.
Woodend Landcare and “The Thursday Crew”
I witnessed a novel way of getting plants delivered to the planting spot when I visited The Thursday Crew.
A three wheeled bike does the trick just fine!
The Thursday Crew, part of Woodend Landcare, gather around their new mower which was provided by an anonymous donor.The crew have been working hard at reclaiming Lake Earnshaw from weeds and hope to restore it to its former beauty. Well done guys!
Woodend Landcare will also be very busy in the coming year as they were successful in their application for a Communities For Nature Grant of $28,000 for a Weed Free Five Mile Creek, focusing on weed removal and replanting the Threatened Black Gum. They also received $1,400.00 from the Dhal Trust for Black Gum seedling giveaways and information brochures. Another group setting and achieving goals, great work!
Campaspe Valley Landcare Group
The Campaspe Valley Landcare group were pleased to receive the news that they have received a Victorian Landcare Grant of $9,860.00 for the eradication of Exotic Stipoid Grasses. The money will also go towards an educational campaign and spray units amongst other things.
This weed is spreading fast and difficult to detect so the money is essential to deal with tackling the problem before it becomes even greater.
Good luck Campaspe Valley Landcare in dealing with this difficult issue.
Exotic Stipoid Grass,a growing problem in the north of our region.
Carlsruhe Valley Landcare
Carlsruhe Valley Lndcare were delighted to receive news that they were successful in their Communities for Nature Grant application for $5000.00.
The money will be used for the Carlsruhe Biolink Stage 2.This will extend an existing Wildlife Corridor which is part of the Upper Campaspe Landcare Network Biolink Plans.They will be doing weed control,revegetation,building and installing nest boxes and installing interpretative signage.
Its great to see work being done that ties in with the Networks new Strategic Plan.
Baynton Sidonia Landcare
Baynton Sidonia Landcare is doing excellent work protecting the genetic heritage of their areas most endangered local plants and trees.
They recently applied for a Victorian Landcare Grant and received $3565.00 to continue doing this important work.It is thanks to the foresight of Landcarers such as these that we are not losing even more important species to extinction forever. Keep up the good work Baynton Sidonia!
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