Friday June 5, 11am

Dr Bernard Doube OAM is an ambassador for the benefits of the soil-enriching and pest-control qualities of dung beetles. Bernard worked with CSIRO for 29 years, including 7 years as OIC of the CSIRO Dung Beetle Research Unit in Pretoria, South Africa. Since 2003 he has been the lead researcher and director of Dung Beetle Solutions International (DBSI) where he continues to be strongly involved in research and farmer education.
Learn about:
• which dung beetle species suit your property
• native and introduced species
• how to maintain your dung beetle populations
• which chemicals kill dung beetles
• different species for different times of year
• farmer nurseries to breed the new spring species on-farm
• biochar to increase soil carbon and animal health.
Preparing to join the session
We are using Microsoft Teams software for the webinar series. Joining a Teams Meeting does not require a Teams Account or software installation. You will be prompted to download the Teams app or join via their browser. You can download the Microsoft Teams app here.
It is a good idea to join the session early to make sure you can access the webinar.
During the session
Please mute your microphones and turn off your video during the session. If you have comments or questions, please use the chat function.
The session will start with a short introduction, followed by a presentation by Bernard, questions will be answered during the session.
After the session
The webinar will be recorded and available on the NCCMA website ( after the session. You will be emailed when the webinar recordings have been posted.
For further information, please contact Darren Bain – Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator on 5440 1893 0r 0419 560 348.