Melbourne QC Brian Walters will be speaking about “The Poetry Of Country – Why Looking After the Land Makes us Whole.”
Brian Walters QC has acted in many high profile cases, including defending Bob Brown and arguing for the protection of Aboriginal Heritage in the Tarkine, Tasmania.
He is a former President of Liberty Victoria, with a special interest in environmental issues, and is a founding member of the Greens in Victoria.
A keen bushwalker, he co-founded Wild -Australia’s wilderness adventure magazine. He is also an author, his most recent book being the iBook Treason:Claus von Stauffenberg and the Plot to Kill Hitler.
WHERE: Upstairs at The Royal George Hotel,24 Piper St Kyneton.
WHEN: Tuesday 18th October 5.45 pm for meal,6.30 pm for talk. AGM 7 – 9 pm. Welcome just for meal and talk.
WHAT: Upper Campaspe Landcare Network AGM and talk by Melbourne QC Brian Walters.
PLEASE RSVP TO HANNE by 15th October
0428878048 or