In this edition:
- Launch of Strategic Plan 11th May 2015
- River Detectives Program wants Landcare Volunteers.
- Langley Landcare
- Post Fire Working Bee by UCLN members at Langley
- Kyneton’s Best Kept Secret is Out! Discover Bald Hill Reserve
- Friends Of Black Hill
- Grant’s Gorse Program
- North Central Chat
- Green Army
- MRSC Community Funding Scheme Grant
- Creeklink
- UpcomingEvents: Fungi,Butterflies,Moths,Protecting Your Environment,Understanding Bald Hill

Long Necked turtles travel long distances in summer.I found this one recently on the road near my place.Perhaps it was on the way to my dam ,as they are partial to yabbies.
I hope you all had a good break over Xmas and the New Year and had a chance to spend time with family and friends. It’s hard to believe summer has been and gone and it is now already autumn. For many of us that means spraying the last of the weeds (mainly blackberry and gorse this time of year), and thinking about planting in the autumn break. Hopefully it means no more bush fires
Projects undertaken by Langley Landcare and Friends of Black Hill were affected by bush fires that tore through the area in early January. UCLN has been assisting them by organizing working bees drawing in people from across the Network to help them repair the damage. Much work has been achieved. It is exciting to see the Network working together in such a positive way.
At the bottom of this ENews you will see some great events. It is wonderful to see the Landcare groups within our Network coming up with such interesting and inspiring speakers and events. Keep them coming!
I am slowly building our website. After much consultation with many of you our home page map is now ready to be loaded.We also now have an event calender (brand new, I am yet to fill it in!) so if you forget whats happening where, go to our website. There is also an archive of all the great media we have been getting about the inspiring work you are all doing.

Landcarers young and old hard at work at Black Hill Reserve
Exciting news! A date has been set for the Launch of our Strategic Plan. We are hoping that you can be there to help celebrate the achievements of your Landcare and Friends Groups.
It is a chance for us to announce to the broader community of what we hope to achieve in the future. So put the date in your diary and please let your Landcare networks know.
We will holding the event somewhere along our wonderful Campaspe River. The New Minister for the Environment, Lisa Neville has been invited, and we will also be inviting the CEO’s of all three Shires that fall within our Network, along with representatives from the Dja Dja Warrung, Taungurang and Yorta Yorta Communities, plus many more….More details to come closer to the date.
A big thank you to all the groups who found the time to review the Strategic Plan and suggest changes.
These are now being incorporated by UCLN committee members Melanie Husada and Sophie Bickford.This important document is a blueprint for the goals of the UCLN.

Women from Trentham Landcare at a working bee to plant trees alongside the Domino trail .
The Hunt is on for River Detectives!
The NCCMA is on the lookout for passionate people keen to engage the next River Detective Recruits. “If you are a teacher, a parent or a community member with a passion for your local waterway and environment, you’re invited to get involved” said NCCMA Education facilitator Nicole Howie. She said the program was ideal for schools. “River Detectives aligns with the Australian curriculum framework, offering cross curricular activities to promote understanding of waterways as integral features of a healthy ecosystem and healthy community”.
Training is available for volunteers interested in getting involved in the program. “We will provide training to equip you with the required knowledge, skills and materials.” To apply, email It only requires a few days per term commitment.
Having seen Newham Landcare’s close involvement with their local primary school, including running the River Detectives Program (previously called the Water watch program), I am sure this would be a great program with many on flow effects for your Landcare groups.
Further details about River Detectives are available on their website (click here) or contact:
To apply, or for further info email
t: 03 5448 7124

Landcare Groups being called on to run River Detectives Programs in Schools.
Network helps out Langley Landcare after Fires.
In late December last year I was shown the hard work the Langley Landcarers have done in their area. I photographed one of their members on the Campaspe River in a beautiful spot with 400 year old River Red Gums which is within their project. If you wish to read an article that appeared in the local media re their project go to our website

Robert Pearse from Langley Landcare “Our long term vision is to create biolinks along the several creeks that rise in the foothills of Black Hill and rundown into the Campaspe River,seen here”.
Langley Landcare’s project involves removing weeds,restoring native vegetation, and fencing along the John Poulter Creek, which runs from the top of nearby Black Hill into the pool in the Campaspe seen above.
The Langley project links in with the NCCMA $3.7 million Caring For Campaspe project, which involves the 220 km length of the Campaspe River. It covers roughly 10km through Langley working with 10 landowners whose properties abut the river.
Project manager Angela Gladman said “I was gobsmacked by the sheer amount of hard work done over many years to remove gorse, and the ingenuity of their fencing efforts in such a rocky landscape. We aim to build on the efforts and enthusiasm of local groups such as Langley Landcare with our Caring For Campaspe Project.”
Soon after I took the photo above, lightning struck one of the trees in the photo and the fires which tore through Black Hill and Langley were ignited. It must have been devastating for the Langley Landcarers and Friends Of Black Hill to see so much of their hard work damaged by the bush fires.
Post Fire Working Bee by UCLN members at Langley
“On behalf of Langley Landcare group I would like to thank one and all very sincerely for the great effort you all did at our working bee on the 7 Feb.
We were humbled by the response and efforts given to our plight from you all.” said Graham Connell, secretary of Langley Landcare.
About 30 people from Landcare groups across the Network gave up their Saturday morning for a very productive working bee to help repair and rebuild fences damaged by the recent fires. Delicious scones were provided for morning tea and people worked very effectively in teams to help Langley Landcare repair their project. Well done UCLN!

Some of the 30 people that attended a working bee to help Langley Landcare repair fences damaged by the January Fires. Pic by Alan Denehey
Kyneton’s Best Kept Secret Is Out! Discover Bald Hill Reserve!

Hear Bianca Aquilina from Atlas Ecology talk about unique Bald Hill.
The Friends of Bald Hill is organising to raise awareness of Bald Hill Reserve. The Reserve is one of Macedon Ranges Shire’s best-kept secrets found six kilometres east of Kyneton.
It is a 96-hectare forest woodland and grassland reserve that features a rich diversity of indigenous flora and fauna including state and national significant species, and is the largest and most intact area of native vegetation within the Kyneton region.
The Friends group is passionate about protecting this unique, shire-owned reserve and has been formed to work in partnership with Macedon Ranges Shire Council to implement the Bald Hill Environmental Management Plan, prepared by Bianca Aquilina from Atlas Ecology.
Our vision is to ensure that Bald Hill is preserved as a significant place of ecological diversity that is valued and enjoyed by our community.
The first Friends of Bald Hill event is on Sunday, 15 March from 3pm to 5 pm followed by a BBQ, hosted by the Friends group and the MRSC. It will be “A Talk and Walk in Bald Hill Reserve” with Bianca Aquilina, author of the Bald Hill Environmental Implementation Plan. She will be giving a presentation about the Bald Hill Reserve focusing on its values from an ecological, cultural, recreational and historical perspective, and discussing key issues and threats posed to the reserve’s values along with potential management actions and strategies.
Other events will be the installation of nest boxes, fauna spotlight walks, guided walks looking at birds and wildflowers, sounds of the night talk and walk and reptiles on Bald Hill Reserve.
For more details on the Friends of Bald Hill and any events, contact Carolyn Robb

Spring wonders found at Bald Hill.
Friends Of Black Hill

The President Of The Friends Of Black Hill Daryl Kellet walks through the Black Hill Reserve soon after the January Fires to assess the damage.
Daryl Kellet , the President of The Friends of Black Hill, can be seen above assessing the damage done by the fire which tore through the area in early January. Daryl and others have been working to protect and preserve the Reserve since the early eighties and will be involved in the rehabilitation process with Macedon Shire Council and the Upper Campaspe Landcare Network.
Daryl, who was working with the CFA in the area on the day said “When I was coming up the Redesdale Rd there was a billowing mass of smoke and flames, Black Hill looked like a volcano erupting”.
Daryl has organised and overseen many working bees to construct the walking tracks that lead to the top of the mount. This is not a simple process as everything had to be carried up by hand!
He was also involved in revegetation projects and the installation of nest boxes to encourage fauna. Langley Primary school children are involved in this project as part of a Communities for Nature Grant. “I was devastated after the fires. I watched it burn. Two or three weeks before the fires I said I’d hate to see all this go up in flames. ”
“The next step is to clean up and replace what’s been destroyed with whatever help we can get -walking tracks need to be cleared, steps and nest boxes replaced. I’m concerned about the sugar gliders, the feather tailed gliders, and the phascogales. It is going to take a long time to recover to what it was.”
The Friends of Black Hill has be working with the Macedon Ranges Shire Council and the Upper Campaspe Landcare Network in the restoration process. William Terry, Environmental Officer from MRSC said “We want the reserve to come back to a healthy state. Council is excited about working with all relevant stakeholders at Black Hill Reserve, including Friends of Black Hill, Landcare Organisations and the broader community to rehabilitate the reserve.”
To see published media on this issue go to our website
Already prisoners from Loddon Prison have been doing work to fix erosion problems created by the fire.
A working Bee was organised by the Friends Group and UCLN on 1st March. About twenty people attended and much effort was exerted in carrying heavy steps (each weighing around 20 kilograms!)up the hill to replace those burnt by the fires. The Mayor of MRSC Jennifer Anderson attended the working bee and was impressed by the efforts of all. A delicious lunch was prepared by the Friends Group. Again it was great to see people come together from across the Network to help.
- 78 yr old Carl Neilsen has worked tirelessly for 42 years at the Black Hill Reserve. He is seen here carting heavy steps up the steep slope to replace those burnt in the fires.
In the Kyneton District and Have a Gorse or Blackberry Problem?

Grant Godden, Blackberry and Gorse facilitator for the UCLN.
If you are in the Kyneton district and have a blackberry or gorse problem on your property and need some help, Grant may be the man to contact. He is the Blackberry and Gorse facilitator for the UNCLN. Grant can offer a free inspection and assessment on managing gorse and blackberry and can help landowners access rebates on the expensive costs of herbicide. “I can help landowners make a big problem more manageable. Some landowners may feel this task is too big to manage but I can help them systematically get on top of the problem” said Grant. He can be contacted on
The January 2015 edition of the North Central CMA publication ‘chat’ is now available and can be viewed by clicking on the link on this webpage (Click here). Amongst other items, this issue has a request for 2015 Volunteer Recognition Event Submissions, a description of environmental watering in the Gunbower Forest and an EOI for the River Detectives Program 2015.
Applications are now open for Round 3 of the Green Army Programme.
Applications close 2 pm AEDT (Canberra time) 17 March 2015
It’s important to remember that as the applications are proposed for a 20-26 week period, the more variety that can provided for the participants, the better the application is. In this respect, discuss with your network facilitator, or other groups around your area what projects are available that you might be able to combine into one application in order to maximise the variability of the application.
The application will be open for just over 4 weeks, with the next round opening in August. Applications that are unsuccessful in any round are able to contact the Green Army Projects team on 1800 780 730 or and seek feedback before resubmitting the same application (including suggested changes).
Extensions can also be sought for existing Green Army projects should you already have a team working within your group, and the instructions on how to do that can be found via the website.
More information: including application form, guidelines, fact sheet, and frequently asked questions visit
MRSC Community Funding Scheme Grant (up to $6000.00) Applications open in April.
Maybe your group would like to explore the possibility of applying for this grant if you fall within the MRSC. It is available for many things, such as- creating business plans, websites, feasibility studies, purchasing educational resources, digital cameras and projectors, events, events, signage, protecting biodiversity, promoting sustainability etc etc,….
Further details can be found at the link below.
Map your projects with creeklink

A long necked turtle on the move.
Newham and District Landcare Event

The Fungal Dynamo
Interested in Fungi? Then come along to this great seminar organised by Trentham Landcare presented by Alison Pouliot, ecologist and environmental photographer.

Talk and Walk with Bianca Aquilina from Atlas Ecology at Bald Hill

Butterflies and Moths of Central Victoria Seminar at Baynton