” Vision without action is but a dream. Action without vision is a waste of energy. But vision with action can move mountains.”

“Our vision is that instead of looking at blackberries and willows and other weeds, there will be a view that reflects the way the river environment existed before European settlement.” said Michael Kearney from Trentham and District Landcare, seen here on the Coliban River. ©Scheltema
Welcome to our Spring Edition of the UCLN ENews. As usual, as the chill of winter fades and the spring wildflowers appear there are many events and workshops on offer in the Landcare community, from a wonderful talk on birdsong to an open day on Holistic Farm Management. I hope you enjoy reading about some of the UCLN member groups achievements, and find something that interests you to attend this spring in our beautiful region.

Jaimeson and Maela from Kyneton Secondary College planting on the Campaspe River with the Campaspe River and Land Management Group on National School Trees Days. ©Scheltema
Kyneton Secondary College students took part in National School Trees Day and joined the Campaspe River and Land Management Group to plant about 500 trees and shrubs along the Campaspe River. Teacher Anwyn Chapman said it was a great opportunity for students to leave their desks, get outside and learn how to care for our environment. “By taking part in activities such as this, they learn about the important role nature plays in the life of our planet and why we must protect it. As Albert Einstein said, ‘Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better’.” Ms Chapman said.
More than 2500 schools get involved in School Trees Day each year, Australia’s largest tree planting and nature care event.
President of Campaspe River Land Management group Peter Harding said the group was delighted to have students from Kyneton Secondary College again helping with revegetation works along the Campapse River. “Our ongoing work along this river is helping restore the health of the Campaspe and bring back threatened species such as the hairy anchor plant.” To read the story in the Midland Express click on Restoring River Health

The inspiring Penny Roberts from Newham and District Landcare was recently commended in the Victorian Landcare Awards. She is seen here alongside one of the many projects she has initiated. ©Scheltema
Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio presented the awards, alongside the Governor of Victoria, Her Excellency the Honourable Linda Dessau AC and Patron-In-Chief of Landcare in Victoria. The Minister said “It’s fantastic to see such a diverse range of groups and individuals recognised for their significant contribution to the conservation of Victoria’s biodiversity. We understand the important role Landcare plays getting communities involved in the protection of our unique environment.”
To see the list of all the 2017 Victorian Landcare Awards winners, as well as those who received highly commended and commended acknowledgements, go to Victorian Winners
Go to this link for the Winners booklet to read read stories on each of the award winners Vic Winners Booklet
I am pleased to announce that the UCLN was a semi finalist in the 2017 Regional Achievement and Community Awards for the Environmental Sustainability Awards. Well done to all of the volunteers who work hard to achieve their groups goals.

UCLN members should congratulate themselves for being Semi Finalists in the Regional Achievement and Community Awards. ©Scheltema

Michael Kearney from Trentham and District Landcare seen here at Enders Bridge on the Coliban River, Trentham. The group has been hard at work restoring the health of the Coliban as part of their long term vision for the area. ©Scheltema
Trentham and District Landcare recently received $18,000 from the NCCMA for the continuation of weed removal and regeneration works on the Coliban River. The work is also part of the Upper Campaspe Landcare Network biolink strategy which involves seven Landcare groups in the district working together on landscape scale projects.
Michael Keaney said this was a small part of a community effort led by Trentham and District Landcare that involved working with the NCCMA, DELWP, the Dja Dja Wurrung, Hepburn Shire Council, UCLN and private landowners. “Before this weed removal you wouldn’t even know the Coliban River was there. Our vision is that instead of looking at blackberries and willows and other weeds, there will be a view that reflects the way the river environment existed before European settlement.”
President of Upper Campaspe Landcare Network Alan Denehey said UCLN volunteers were beginning to see the fruits of the effort that went into developing their Strategic Plan.“A number of our member groups have become energised and active in developing and beginning to implement on ground works for environmental rehabilitation. It’s exciting to see Trentham Landcare continue their restoration works which align with the UCLN Biolink Strategy for the Upper Coliban Catchment. This landscape-scale effort also involves Malmsbury and Tylden Landcare working on the Coliban and Little Coliban River.”
To read media on this click on River Gets Makeover

Here is the recently completed excellent Ashbourne Landcare brochure.
Thanks to a Victorian Landcare Grant Tylden Landcare has been busy carrying out river rehabilitation works along the Little Coliban River in conjunction with Bendigo TAFE students, Tylden Primary School Students and community members. The project has a clear objective: to improve the quality and extent of native vegetation along the Little Coliban River. This project also aligns with the UCLN Coliban Connections Biolink project, involving Trentham, Malmsbury and Tylden Landcare working to restore connectivity between areas of remnant vegetation .
TAFE students have been helping to rehabilitate the area, with students writing a management plan for the site. Tylden Primary School Students have been propagating and planting tube stock, and alongside community members helping to weed and plant along the river.

Bendigo TAFE student James Stewart helping Tylden Landcare at the Little Coliban River “The Little Coliban River is facing threats from a lack of native vegetation and invasive species such as Crack Willow, Blackberry and Gorse. These impact river health and are a high priority to repair”. Pic Brendan Smith
Bendigo TAFE student James Stewart was at the river recently to assist with re vegetation and said – “The Little Coliban River is facing threats from a lack of native vegetation and invasive species such as Crack Willow, Blackberry and Gorse. These impact river health and are a high priority to repair”.
“This is a rehabilitation project rather than a restoration project. It will take decades to become a self-sustaining ecosystem. A local threatened species- the Hairy Anchor Plant is establishing well and bank stability has also increased”. James added.
Tylden Landcare has been prioritising woody weed control and revegetation programs to increase the density of native vegetation and encourage native fauna.
“Sharing the Landcare Story”

Learn from the Landcare community, get new ideas, and form new contacts at the North Central Landcare Forum at St Arnauds in October. ©Scheltema
Registrations are open for the first regional landcare forum, co-hosted by the new peak landcare organisation in Victoria, Landcare Victoria Inc. (LVI)to be held at
Camp Seed, Stuart Mill, St Arnaud 6th – 8th October 2017.
An enthusiastic band of North Central landcare members have worked with LVI to organise two full days of sharing and learning. The event will feature a poster display and discussion of landcare activities from across the region and state, and the option to join a bus trip on the Saturday afternoon. This is a great opportunity for networking within the Landcare community, and its free!
If your group wishes to share their landcare stories as part of the poster display please let me know.
Click here to register for the forum now.
The event is fully catered for and is free for landcare members and their partners. Please BYO drinks
Contact Kaye Rodden (LVI – Dep Chair) at nidgee@reachnet.com.au for more information.
Registrations close 27th September.

A Southern Boobook owl, one of the Birds of Prey and Raptors from the Leigh Valley Hawk and Owl Sanctuary. ©Scheltema
Ever wanted to get up close and personal to a raptor? If you come along to the Raptors Display at Metcalf after the UCLN AGM on 31st October 2017 you can. The Leigh Valley Hawk and Owl Sanctuary will give a one hour presentation introducing approximately 5 Birds of Prey and will discuss the need for conservation, prevention of extinction and sustainable living.
Meet at the Metcalf Hall at 2.15. You are also welcome to attend the UCLN AGM at 12.30.
- Rabbit Busters – 20th October 2017, 1-3 pm, Red Brick Hall 23 Yaldwyn St west Kyneton
Learn how to successfully use the new RHDV1 K5 virus to eradicate rabbits with John Mathews from DEDJTR. Contact RabbitBook , 5421 9660 or Send Email to book. - Chilean Needlegrass Workshop Saturday November 11th Carlsruhe CFA Three Chain Rd Carlsruhe 10 am -2 pm. Learn how to identify and control this high impact agricultural and environmental weed from an agricultural scientist. Presented by Macedon Ranges Shire Council in partnership with Carlsruhe and Newham & District Landcare Groups. Lunch provided. Contact NeedleGrassBook , 5421 9660 or Send Email to book.
- Landcare Display at the Kyneton Show – 18th November, Kyneton.
Come along and meet fellow Landcarers and speak to the public about how to get involved in Landcare in the district. We are looking for volunteers to help with the UCLN stall so please let me know on uclandcare@gmail.com if you are able to help. - Wildflower Walk 10 am 19th November. Conglomerate Gully Riddells Creek. NDLG Roadside Management Group invites members and guests to spend a couple of hours in the morning to discover the wildflowers in a contrasting environment to that typical of the Macedon Ranges. The walk will conclude with tea and cake. Dogs are welcome on leads only. Sturdy footwear is essential. Please indicate if you are interesting in attending by contacting Sue Massie smassie@ozemail.com.au for directions.
- Native Pastures for Grazing – 22nd November 2017, 10 -3 pm Newham Hall.
Learn from Greening Australia’s lead Scientist Dr Paul Gibson-Roy about native pastures for grazing. Lunch and field trip provided. Contact Pasturesbooking or Send Email to book. - “What can we learn from listening to nature?” November 24th 2017 Evening presentation by Andrew Skeoch of Listening Earth (www.listeningearth.com ) on birds and birdsong. Newham Mechanics Institute. 7 pm for 7.30. Supper follows. RSVP to Sue Massie smassie@ozemail.com.au or tel.5427 0795.
- Soil Health – Tuesday 5th December 2017, 10.30-1 pm, Langley.
Join the experts on an olive plantation at Langley to learn how to gain a better understanding of soil on your property. Learn how to evaluate the condition of your soil and apply appropriate management practices to improve soil health. Presenters Martin Hamilton (EcoDev DEDJTR), Rebecca Mitchell (co author of the Soil Health Guide), and Helen Haydon (Soil Microbiologist from Dep Ag Melbourne). Lunch Provided SoilHealthBooking 5421 9660 or Send Email to book.
- Holistic Management Open Gate Farm Tour 20th October 10.30 -3.00pm Sidonia
Come and see first hand how Sidonia Beef Farmer Sam White is using holistic management principles to plan rotational grazing, improve soil health, grow more grass and boost animal performance. This event has limited numbers.To apply please complete Expression of Interest Form available at www.gbcma.vic.gov.au or contact Darren Bain Regional Landcare Facilitator on 03 54401893 or 0419560348 or darren.bain@nccma.vic.gov.au . EOIs to be submitted by 10 am Monday 25th September.
- River Restoration – March 18 2018, 10-2 pm, Degraves Mill Carlsruhe.
Join wetland restoration experts Damien Cook, Elaine Bayes, Angela Gladman, and experienced Landcarers at the historic Degraves Mill to learn about successful river restoration and the concepts of biolinks. You will also learn from property owner Steve Marriot about his successful long term river restoration project.Lunch provided.
Wetland Ecology and Training Courses: October 2017 – March 2018
Registrations are now open for Rakali’s popular wetland courses commencing October 2017 through to March 2018. The courses are presented by SERA 2016 award winning ecologist Damien Cook and Elaine Bayes. Don’t hold off as the NEW courses may be a once off depending on level of attendance and it’s the last time the Wetland Read more..
Sustainable House Open Day
Baynton Sidonia Landcare has asked me to let you know about the upcoming Alternative Technology Association’s Sustainable House Open Day Sunday, September 17, 2017 10.00am – 4.00pm at Clearwind (between Kyneton and Heathcote).
If you enjoy fishing why not come along to this family friendly fishing event organised by NCCMA .
Community Skills Development Grants
Lily D’Ambrosio, Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change recently announced the availability of $600,000 in grant funds for Community Skills Development projects. The grants are intended to enable volunteer groups and networks to invest in training and development to increase their collective skills.
In announcing the grants, the Minister said ‘A total of $600,000 is available to strengthen and support Landcare, the Friends Of network, Coastcare and other environmental volunteer groups in the important work they do. Individual groups will be eligible for $5,000 grants while networks and partnership groups will be eligible for up to $20,000.’
The Minister’s Media release can be found here communityskillsgrants and details of the grants, including the guidelines, here grantdetails/guidelines . Applications close on 12th October 2017.
Wettenhall Environment Trust Small Environmental Grant
The Small Environmental Grant Scheme will provide support for people undertaking projects that will make a positive difference to the natural living environment, in land, sea or air, rural or urban.
The application forms, guidelines and data required for applying can be found online at: Wettenhall grant
Victorian Rabbit Action Network Small Community Grants
The Victorian Rabbit Action Network (VRAN) has released small grants to community groups to develop and lead rabbit management action plans to better establish K5 into the future. Keep up to date with these opportunities through the VRAN website: https://rabbitaction.com/about/

Please click here Junior Landcare if you are interested in Junior Landcare information.
September 201 7 North Cental Chat is out now click here – Sep17Chat
This issue features an article by Regional Landcare Facilitator Tess Grieves on “How can Landcare attract new people, and free up more time for our current, overworked members” which raises some interesting points.