Join us online with ecologist John Harris of Wildlife & Ecology as he discusses the impacts of drought on biodiversity
As one of the driest populated continents on earth, Australia will never eliminate the physical or psychological threat or effects of drought.
As severe weather events become more frequent, and the effects of climate change alter natural ecosystems, building human and environmental drought resilience into our community and land management practices will become increasingly important to the continuation of functional ecosystems and biodiversity.
Join John Harris online as he talks about the impacts of drought on biodiversity, and opens the conversation about steps we can take to assist local biodiversity.
Tickets are available through Eventbrite:
John Harris (BASc, GDipEd) – Director and Principal Zoologist / Ecologist
Throughout his career, John has worked in both the environmental and education sectors, often combining the two. He has been in the education sector for over 20 years as a primary school teacher and secondary Biology/Science teacher as well as Environment and Sustainability Manager. John has also worked for National Parks and Wildlife in Queensland as a ranger, the Department of Conservation and Environment (now DELWP – Vic) and is currently our Principal ecological consultant
As an environmental consultant, John has worked with a number of larger consultancies as a senior environmental consultant or subcontractor. He has been involved in flora and fauna surveys, habitat hectare assessments, vegetation mapping, environmental audits, flora and fauna salvaging (spotter/catcher) and as sustainability adviser in Victoria and interstate. He has authored many assessment reports, flora and fauna management plans, EPBC Act (Commonwealth) and Environmental Effects Statement (Victoria) referrals.
John has had vast experience with the ResourceSmart Schools program in Victoria. He has presenting at conferences and workshops across Australia and published a number of articles on environmental education for teaching and parent journals. He is also a past president of Environmental Education Victoria (formerly the Victorian Association for Environmental Education). Combined with his experience in schools, John has also been actively involved in environmental education in the community as a guest speaker and workshop presenter at various organizations including the Field Naturalists Club of Victoria, gardening clubs, Landcare groups, scouts, “friends of” groups and churches. He has also presented workshops for a number of local governments including the City of Whittlesea, Manningham City Council and Frankston City Council.
This event is funded by the NRM Drought Resilience Program – Grants. The grants support projects that contribute to improved drought resilience of agricultural landscapes through experimentation in NRM practices, systems and approaches that go beyond current best practice.
This event forms part of the Upper Campaspe Landcare Network’s NRM Drought Resilience Grant project – Empowering an informed and engaged community to allow for the creation of connecting pollinator corridors through the Upper Campaspe Catchment to ensure environmental resilience and improved functionality of drought threatened agricultural landscapes.
Image credit -https://assets.nationbuilder.com/veganaustralia/pages/17654/meta_images/original/VictoriaDrought.jpg?1598972122